How To Partner
Individual, Business, or like-minded ministry which seeks to financially support T2C2 as we launch faith communities throughout the DFW Metroplex.
Financial Contributions
Prayer Support
Outreach Partner
Congregation or other ministry group which seeks to offer coordinated community outreach activities from it's site in addition to supporting activities at other partner sites.
Mission Activity Site
Financial Contributions*
Prayer Support
Training Partner
Congregation which seeks to leverage the leadership development training opportunities of T2C2 for leaders within their congregation or community.
Leadership Training
Financial Contributions
Prayer Support
Network Member
Full partnership with the other congregations in the network. Committed to the mission of the network and supporting through spiritual, physical and financial means. A congregational member will be given (or at least offered) a position on the Board of Directors.
Shared Staffing
Mission Activity Site
Leadership Training
Financial Contributions
Prayer Support
* Financial contribution dependent on type of outreach offered (T2C2 funded or congregation funded).
** Partners may change the level of partnership over time as The Lord calls them.